Master Television Service
call (505)294-5299

Repair Cost

How much does it cost to
repair a television?
See our A+ rating at the Better Business Bureau.
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Remember back in the day when the TV repairman would arrive at your home with his simple parts caddy? Many televisions shared the same exact parts, but modern sets can be more complicated. We have found the same model televisions utilizing completely different parts, but with over 30 years of experience and a database of over 250,000 repairs, most of the time we can still give you a free estimate right over the phone. We can extend the life of your favorite television with a professional TV repair that includes a 90-day warranty.

Manufacturers want you to believe it's better to buy a new television than have your TV repaired. This puts more money in their pocket, but TV repair can be far less expensive than buying a new television. This keeps more money in your pocket, and it's a great way to support our community by keeping more money in the local economy. If you want a quick and easy way to help the environment, then have your TV repaired in your home by a Master Television Service technician.
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Most TV repair shops no longer fix sets under warranty because many manufacturers don't want to pay service centers a fair price to have televisions repaired. Authorized service centers have no choice but to charge more money for out-of-warranty TV repairs to make up the difference.

You can see how TV repair can become expensive really fast if a company is doing warranty work, maintaining big trucks, financing a building, and supporting a large staff. Small independent shops can avoid these expenses and keep TV repair prices low.

With the rise of the internet and with hundreds of TV repair technicians collaborating on private technical websites across the country, small independent service centers can thrive.

How much will it cost to repair your television? Before you spend all that money on a new television, you can call a small independent service center. You can call Albuquerque's Master Television Service. We are New Mexico's Mobile TV Repair Specialists.
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